Stoner, punk, hardcoreSchweiz / Wallis
Stage 1

Mehr zur Band:

Dampfwalzenwalfisch are Philipp Kuonen (git/bass/voc) and Pascal Guntern

(drums/voc). Although the band is only a duo, they have nothing to hide from larger

ensembles. Many listeners have already been surprised by the power and energy of

this duo. Massive beats and razor-sharp riffs roll through all areas of rock music

(stoner, punk, hardcore), whereby “Das Dampfwalzenwalfisch’’ creates its very own

style. This uniqueness is also reflected in the multilingualism of the lyrics. The songs

in English, French or (Valaisan) German deal with everything from urgent topics to

everyday absurdities.

Following their formation in 2018 and numerous concerts, the two musicians from

Upper Valais presented their first album, ‘The Chateau Sauvage Session’, in 2023.

However, it won't be long until their next release. The band is currently in the middle

of the studio recordings for their latest work. A new EP will be released as early as

summer 2025. With this in their backpack, the band aims to play many different

stages, always following their motto, a Valaisan saying: “The devil up your arse’’ !!!